Easy to set up a new account with Everbank, unlike other banks posting high interest rates of this site. I currently have a CD and a savings account with them.
Multiple roadblocks trying to set up a savings account with Bread Financial, even though I already have a CD with them. My application was ultimately declined, in spite of my multiple CDs among three banks, stock investments, eleven credit cards, and credits scores that have never been outside the 800s. I took my business elsewhere.
Multiple roadblocks trying to set up a savings account with Jenius Bank and my application was ultimately declined, in spite of my multiple CDs among three banks, stock investments, eleven credit cards, and credits scores that have never been outside the 800s. I took my business elsewhere.
Multiple roadblocks trying to set up a savings account with Ivy Bank and my application was ultimately declined, in spite of my multiple CDs among three banks, stock investments, eleven credit cards, and credits scores that have never been outside the 800s. I took my business elsewhere.
Multiple roadblocks trying to set up a savings account with Forbright and my application was ultimately declined, in spite of my multiple CDs among three banks, stock investments, eleven credit cards, and credits scores that have never been outside the 800s. I took my business elsewhere.
4.60% |
$1,000 |
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Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024. |
4.55% |
$50,000 |
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Last change: ↓0.10% on February 9. |
4.55% |
$1,000 |
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Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024. |
4.50% |
$500 |
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Last change: ↑0.20% on January 18. |
4.50% |
$1,500 |
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Last change: ↓0.15% on January 25. |
Jul 26, 2024 |