Upside Down World
Image CNN

Upside Down World

Imagine a celebrity murderer, yet to be convicted but clearly a murderer, out in the community holding town hall meetings for kids, teenagers and adults on how to commit murder and avoid conviction. Now, imagine Bill Cosby, facing as many as 60 separate allegations of sexual assault, holding multiple town hall meetings to educate young and older men on how to avoid sexual assault charges. And that is exactly what is about to happen.

According to The New York Times on June 23, Mr. Cosby, fresh from a hung jury in one of the many civil suits against him for sexual assault, is about the start holding town hall meetings counseling boys and men on how to beat assault accusations and legal charges. These are strange times, indeed!

One is almost tempted to believe that the New York Times made this story up just to provide satiric relief from all of the bizarre goings on today. Were that true, it would have been a masterful and much appreciated move. The reality, however, is that this is not tongue and cheek. Mr. Cosby is really planning to do just that. Currently free on bail, Mr. Cosby is about to begin a series of public meetings, free of charge, for any and all men who are thinking about or already in the act of committing sexual assault.

It is hard to imagine that something as upside down as this, something as much an assault on human dignity as this, could have been imagined at any other time in either the distant and near past. What a wonderful world we live in today?

Daniel Socolow
Daniel Socolow: President, Socolow Group. Former Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, President of the American University of Paris, Vice President of Spelman College. BA, MA, Ph.D.

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