The massive accident involving Scott Dixon and Jay Howard at today's Indy 500 confirms everyone's worst fear.
Crowds at these events watch auto racing for the spectacle - or at least the possibility - of gore, death and destruction. The fact that both drivers were able to walk away complete unscathed from such a tremendous accident confirms that racecars and racetracks today are now just too safe.
Once these crowds realize that what they really long to see at the racetrack is no longer realistically feasible, auto racing will no longer suit their appetite. They'll be left watching all of the old YouTube videos involving racing deaths, and then they will have nothing to get exciting about other than Trump rallies. How sad.
June 22, 2019
This is a ridiculous article. It is an opinion on a sad perspective of humans more than racing. I think you need to get a job somewhere and meet real people, get away from the 5% fringe or the news. Which is mostly reporting on the activities of the 5% fringe.
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