Thank God for America’s High School Students
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Thank God for America’s High School Students

We have so little cause for optimism these days, constantly unnerved as we are by a seriously unstable President and a corrupt and compromised Congress.

Our world, including our place in the hierarchy of nations today and the ever more severe loss of intelligent leadership across the board in the country, leaves us inordinately scared of nuclear holocaust and/or economic collapse at any moment.

And, our President and everyone else in government are turning deaf ears not only to international matters, but to serious and urgent needs at home.

And so, it was a bolt of lightning and a great sense of pride to see thousands of high school students across America walk out of school at the exact moment, one month later, of the Parkland Florida high school killings. While the population at large seems asleep and politicians are running for cover, finally one group of Americans – and a terrific group at that – are rising up and saying “Enough”. Enough of inaction, Enough of empty words, and, most importantly, Enough of the NRA and its iron clad lock on the polity.

These are the Americans to be proud of. These are the new generation of people free to speak and free to act. Thank God that America’s children are standing up unfettered by weaknesses of their parents. Most importantly, there seems now a new generation of Americans who will not cower and will not accept the status quo.

They may be children in some people’s eyes, but they are acting far more wisely and fearlessly than the so-called adults. They are also demonstrating remarkable logistical and organizational savvy.

I think this is real, and my money is on them. And, I am impressed as hell that they are engaged in saving lives and saving America.

Daniel Socolow
Daniel Socolow: President, Socolow Group. Former Director of the MacArthur Fellows Program, President of the American University of Paris, Vice President of Spelman College. BA, MA, Ph.D.

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