Compound Interest Calculator
CD 6-month Account from NUMERICA with 0.35% APY and $100,000 minimum deposit

Use or Change These Amounts and Rates

The product CD 6-month Account from NUMERICA with 0.35% APY and $100,000 minimum deposit and a tax rate of 30 compounded annually, with an initial amount of $20,000, after 10 years would have grown your savings to approximately $20,711. The interest earned would be $711 and the tax amount on the interest earned would be approximately $213.

Please note that this product is available in Washington and this analysis assumes a constant interest rate and doesn't take into account any fees associated with the savings account.

The Results for NUMERICA

Savings Boost of
$181 over 10 years
Cash Savings $20,000
Average Interest Earned $317

NUMERICA Interest Earned $498



See comparison detail table

This analysis is for demonstrative purposes only and may change should certain assumptions prove incorrect. Savings rates may change and CD rates may not be renewable for the length of the term of the analysis. The difference between the bank rate entered and the average rate may not remain constant throughout the term.

Comparison Detail Table Close X

Average Rate Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 45 31
2 20,045 45 31
3 20,090 45 32
4 20,135 45 32
5 20,180 45 32
6 20,225 45 32
7 20,270 45 32
8 20,316 46 32
9 20,361 46 32
10 20,407 46 32
TOTAL: $453 $317


Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 70 49
2 20,070 70 49
3 20,140 70 49
4 20,211 71 50
5 20,281 71 50
6 20,352 71 50
7 20,424 71 50
8 20,495 72 50
9 20,567 72 50
10 20,639 72 51
TOTAL: $711 $498

Take Action

The accounts below offer some of the best rates in the country can be opened online, and are available nationally. As the calculator shows, changing accounts to earn a higher interest rate can really add up over time.

Featured CD Rates


Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↓0.10% on February 9.
6 Month Jumbo CD.

Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↓0.10% on February 17.
3 Month CD.

Last change: ↑0.20% on January 18.

Customer Reviews for Numerica

  • December 11, 2022 |

    I'm not sure what's going on with you Numerica but I want my money. Your business Flags my card every single day while I am trying to conduct business on the internet. You have cost me thousands of dollars, I've had to walk home in the snow because I couldn't get an Uber, I miss picking up a large dinner tab for my family because I got declined for fraud last night I had a $700 purchase that I got declined for fraud and they almost cut up my card. I call your bank every day to have them unlock my card. First I call them at night in the fraud department and they say that they haven't flagged anything. They advise me to call the main office. I call the next day and the business office says yep we were flagging you because you were doing this at this place I tell them that's the place I work for every day. I have begged and pleaded with them to stop holding back my money. And everybody that I talk to in custimer service wants to blame Visa. it does say visa on the card but for some reason nobody will give me a customer service number for them, and my card says Numerica. You are responsible for my account. I'm also in charge of my money and I keep a very close eye on my account. I want you to get out of my business, I don't need a mom and dad with in my banking account to tell me when I can and can't spend my money. What's wrong with your staff? Are they all new; or just not trained well?They ask me the same exact questions every time, even though I tell them don't ask me those questions, I didn't put my address down wrong, it's not the place that I'm working with, it's you nimerica! I want it fixed. I want the fraud alerts taken off my accounts! If i can ever get my money from Numerica I'm closing that account. This is not just inconvenient it should be criminal. I'm going to get a lawyer because your errors made me miss a funeral this week, I had to walk to the hotel from the airport at 2:00 in the morning cuz I couldn't get my rental car...and it just goes on and on. This is infuriating and unreasonable and I want somebody to fix this but they won't. They tell me how much I can have out of my own account everyday? What the is going on? When did a bank ever become the parents of somebody's money! I'm furious. I'm taking names and I'm going to pursue this legally. I want my money and I want to close my account. I want you to train your people. I have lost thousands of dollars because of you blocking me from my card. And nobody will ever call me back. I asked them if I could talk to somebody in corporate or somebody higher up and they won't let me. I asked them to talk to Visa's customer service and they say they don't have that number but then they tell me that they send them an email.

  • June 19, 2020 |

    I took my money elsewhere. Enough said

  • June 19, 2020

    Terrible credit union. Terrible customer service tries to influence their biased political values on their customers via their newsletter. Could care less if you are happy with them or not. You have other and better choices in credit unions!

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