Compound Interest Calculator
CD 6-month Account from Midland States Bank with 0.20% APY and $100,000 minimum deposit

Use or Change These Amounts and Rates

The product CD 6-month Account from Midland States Bank with 0.20% APY and $100,000 minimum deposit and a tax rate of 30 compounded annually, with an initial amount of $20,000, after 10 years would have grown your savings to approximately $20,404. The interest earned would be $404 and the tax amount on the interest earned would be approximately $121.

Please note that this product is available in Illinois and this analysis assumes a constant interest rate and doesn't take into account any fees associated with the savings account.

The Results for Midland States Bank

Savings Boost of
$-36 over 10 years
Cash Savings $20,000
Average Interest Earned $318

Midland States Bank Interest Earned $283



See comparison detail table

This analysis is for demonstrative purposes only and may change should certain assumptions prove incorrect. Savings rates may change and CD rates may not be renewable for the length of the term of the analysis. The difference between the bank rate entered and the average rate may not remain constant throughout the term.

Comparison Detail Table Close X

Average Rate Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 45 32
2 20,045 45 32
3 20,090 45 32
4 20,135 45 32
5 20,181 45 32
6 20,226 46 32
7 20,272 46 32
8 20,317 46 32
9 20,363 46 32
10 20,409 46 32
TOTAL: $455 $318

Midland States Bank Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 40 28
2 20,040 40 28
3 20,080 40 28
4 20,120 40 28
5 20,160 40 28
6 20,201 40 28
7 20,241 40 28
8 20,282 41 28
9 20,322 41 28
10 20,363 41 29
TOTAL: $404 $283

Take Action

The accounts below offer some of the best rates in the country can be opened online, and are available nationally. As the calculator shows, changing accounts to earn a higher interest rate can really add up over time.

Featured CD Rates


Last change: ↑0.25% on October 28.
6 Month Jumbo CD.

Last change: ↓0.09% on October 17.
3 Month CD.

Last change: ↓0.15% on September 6.

Last change: ↓0.05% on September 27.

Last change: ↓0.10% on October 1.

Customer Reviews for Midland States Bank

  • November 3, 2021 |

    If anyone is considering using Midland States Bank for estate or trust planning and administration, I’d urge you to be careful and do your due diligence. I’ll first say that I am a CPA with experience in corporate and estate tax/management who tried to step in and help. My experience over the last 2+ years is that this group fails to properly adhere to the industry standards and fiduciary responsibilities of a trustee. They fail to focus on the beneficiaries but instead focus on the bank/trustees wealth maximization. They hold monies of outside business shareholders that are not related to the estate/decedent as if they are part of the estate itself, take an excessive amount of time to liquidate assets (more than 14 months for an on-line land auction), and continue to hold an astronomical amount of the estate and shareholders funds that far exceeds any potential liabilities, with none known after 2 years time. They have made multiple mistakes in application of received funds, failed to ensure maximum value was received for property and sold items from the business that business owners stated they wanted to purchase. Those owners were told it had to be sold at auction and would be notified when they could bid. Assets were instead sold to unnamed parties with no notification and not at auction. Additionally they fail to provide proper documentation and full tax return copies on all accounts to the proper parties, even when requested on multiple occasions. Their ability to communicate is almost non-existent, even when escalating to upward management.

    Given their experiences, impacted businesses shareholders and estate beneficiaries chose to reach out to multiple CPAs and attorneys to confirm consensus that this was being handled not just poorly, but in a grossly improper and egregious manner. The family/shareholders hired an attorney of their own to get the business funds not owned by the estate released, funds Midland knew they had no legal right to hold as part of the estate based on atty discussions. I myself had previously discussed the topic with both Connie Bontz and her manager Nicole Fasano. The hired attorney then brought it to their attention that the trust documents allowed for them to be terminated. At that time Ms Bontz agreed to disperse the business and rather than doing the legal thing timely, they continued to drag the process out and delay payments to the S-Corp Shareholders for more than 2.5 months while trying to blame others. It took re-clarifying we’d terminate them to get it. They paid out one business but not the other, after they had agreed to do so in writing. They continue to hold this businesses funds from its shareholders, and the estate funds from their proper owners, and not just a reasonable holdback amount, but the very large remainder of the estate that didn’t automatically transfer to heirs. They are stating it is the “policy and decision of Midland States Bank Fiduciary Review Committee to NOT make ANY distributions to beneficiaries from the estate or trust until we have received the federal estate tax closing letter from the IRS”. This can be a 2-4 year time frame.

    The family and shareholders had preferred to try to make the relationship work so as to not add a complicated transfer part way through, esp at the point everything is in cash and is beyond the creditors claim period, but Midland and Connie Bontz continue to make that nearly impossible. The level of apathy/ignorance/incompetence I’ve witnessed is infuriating as a professional accountant. No family should EVER have to go through this with a paid trustee, one who has the moral, legal and fiduciary responsibility to manage funds with the beneficiaries interest as a priority over their own wealth gain.

  • July 13, 2019 |

    Research other banks for best currency exchange rates. I was charged $15 for delivery fee in addition to the currency exchange rate. I have 2 accounts with the bank. Found out later that other banks do not charge a delivery fee if accept a 3-5 day delivery. Only charge delivery fee if you want overnight. I wasn’t offered that option.

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