Compound Interest Calculator
CD 2-year Account from IDEAL with 0.75% APY and $10,000 minimum deposit

Use or Change These Amounts and Rates

The product CD 2-year Account from IDEAL with 0.75% APY and $10,000 minimum deposit and a tax rate of 30 compounded annually, with an initial amount of $20,000, after 10 years would have grown your savings to approximately $21,552. The interest earned would be $1,552 and the tax amount on the interest earned would be approximately $465.

Please note that this product is available in Minnesota and this analysis assumes a constant interest rate and doesn't take into account any fees associated with the savings account.

The Results for IDEAL

Savings Boost of
$136 over 10 years
Cash Savings $20,000
Average Interest Earned $950

IDEAL Interest Earned $1,086



See comparison detail table

This analysis is for demonstrative purposes only and may change should certain assumptions prove incorrect. Savings rates may change and CD rates may not be renewable for the length of the term of the analysis. The difference between the bank rate entered and the average rate may not remain constant throughout the term.

Comparison Detail Table Close X

Average Rate Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 132 92
2 20,132 133 93
3 20,264 134 93
4 20,398 134 94
5 20,532 135 95
6 20,668 136 95
7 20,804 137 96
8 20,941 138 97
9 21,079 139 97
10 21,218 140 98
TOTAL: $1,358 $950

IDEAL Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 150 105
2 20,150 151 106
3 20,301 152 107
4 20,453 153 107
5 20,607 155 108
6 20,761 156 109
7 20,917 157 110
8 21,074 158 111
9 21,232 159 111
10 21,391 160 112
TOTAL: $1,552 $1,086

Take Action

The accounts below offer some of the best rates in the country can be opened online, and are available nationally. As the calculator shows, changing accounts to earn a higher interest rate can really add up over time.

Featured CD Rates


Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↓0.10% on February 9.
6 Month Jumbo CD.

Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↑0.20% on January 18.

Last change: ↓0.15% on January 25.

Customer Reviews for Ideal

  • March 13, 2019 |

    Ideal Credit Union is a local treasure. Although it is primarily made up of the old St. Paul Postal CU, it also subsumed the North St. Paul School District Employees' CU many years ago. It has generous eligibility options so don't feel that you have to be a postal worker to bank here. There are a string of branches now, generally in a line along the east side of the Twin Cities Metro Area.

    One of its best features is that it offers "special" CDs that allow you to cash out before the due date without penalty. I have recently purchased two of these, the best rates around my area. If you compare its CD rates to local bank rates, you will want to join the Ideal CU immediately. They give away great free pens, have good employees, pretty good hours, and a good social conscience (a couple years ago, they collected money for the Puerto Rico hurricane, for example, and they have employee casual days that pay for charitable donations). This is a good institution, an example of the Upper Midwest history of creating cooperatives as an alternative to for-profit businesses.

    Warning: if you want to take out an account or make some changes to your account, plan to spend some time at it. These guys are thorough and you need to take that into account. You can do a lot of the work on the phone, though.

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