Compound Interest Calculator
CD 6-month Account from Cottonport Bank with 0.10% APY and $10,000 minimum deposit

Use or Change These Amounts and Rates

The product CD 6-month Account from Cottonport Bank with 0.10% APY and $10,000 minimum deposit and a tax rate of 30 compounded annually, with an initial amount of $20,000, after 10 years would have grown your savings to approximately $20,201. The interest earned would be $201 and the tax amount on the interest earned would be approximately $60.

Please note that this product is available in Louisiana and this analysis assumes a constant interest rate and doesn't take into account any fees associated with the savings account.

The Results for Cottonport Bank

Savings Boost of
$-178 over 10 years
Cash Savings $20,000
Average Interest Earned $318

Cottonport Bank Interest Earned $141



See comparison detail table

This analysis is for demonstrative purposes only and may change should certain assumptions prove incorrect. Savings rates may change and CD rates may not be renewable for the length of the term of the analysis. The difference between the bank rate entered and the average rate may not remain constant throughout the term.

Comparison Detail Table Close X

Average Rate Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 45 32
2 20,045 45 32
3 20,090 45 32
4 20,135 45 32
5 20,181 45 32
6 20,226 46 32
7 20,272 46 32
8 20,317 46 32
9 20,363 46 32
10 20,409 46 32
TOTAL: $455 $318

Cottonport Bank Scenario

Annual Interest
(After Tax)
1 20,000 20 14
2 20,020 20 14
3 20,040 20 14
4 20,060 20 14
5 20,080 20 14
6 20,100 20 14
7 20,120 20 14
8 20,140 20 14
9 20,161 20 14
10 20,181 20 14
TOTAL: $201 $141

Take Action

The accounts below offer some of the best rates in the country can be opened online, and are available nationally. As the calculator shows, changing accounts to earn a higher interest rate can really add up over time.

Featured CD Rates


Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↓0.10% on February 9.
6 Month Jumbo CD.

Last change: ↓0.50% on October 1, 2024.

Last change: ↑0.20% on January 18.

Last change: ↓0.15% on January 25.

Customer Reviews for Cottonport Bank

  • April 2, 2022 |

    We looked long and hard for a bank in our oil and gas supported city that isn't out to destroy us with energy and America killing ESG and DEI programs. I even asked the Better Business Bureau to compile a list of Woke-Free businesses we can patronize. Everyone's asking.

    Our citizens have had it with the indoctrinated activist NGO's working at the behest of the globalists, China, Russia and pretty much every single one of America's enemies who finance these America killing programs our corporate fools have caved to.

    I mistakenly joined Hancock Whitney, trying to escape Capitol One, because I didn't see any of the radical lingo on their main page and they are a southern bank where many of their customers are in the oil and natural gas business. What kind of banks think it's okay to destroy the livelihoods of their customers and then virtue signal about it through these destructive programs? Anyway, I was researching unrelated material and there was Hancock Whitney as a sponsor for a BLM activist. In what universe do businesses think we wish to align ourselves with the Child Abusing Democrat's domestic terrorist arm, BLM? I told them off and closed my account.

    My former party of tolerance has a pedophilic obsession with indoctrinating, masking, jabbing and sexualizing America's children and I don't know anyone admitting they still belong to this party yet businesses are still subscribing to destroying their own economy via ESG.

    I opened an account a couple of days ago with Cottonport Bank and thoroughly vetted them ahead of time. No wokeness found and they actually give to our local police, firefighters and those the left demonizes. They even have patriotic checks! I see you are trying to harass "Climate Initiatives" from this bank so that tells me they are woke-free or did their homework and know it is a Global Green Ponzi Scheme (I am an authentic greener).

    You people might want to catch up to the morals and expectations of the majority of Everyday Americans who hate and/or have been chronically harassed by the Woke. They work for our enemies but you should already know that.

    We demand Woke-Free businesses and I told Cottonport Bank that they could increase their business if they would just advertise as a Woke-Free environment. Look how well it's working for the Daily Wire's razor sales against Harry's. Love it!

    Does BestCashCow plan on creating a Woke-Free list of businesses? It would be very helpful to we Americans who do not wish to contribute to our own demise.

    Independent Fed Up American,
    Cindy Hayes
    Lafayette, LA

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