In this step, your personal and financial goals are defined. Your Financial Planner will gather all the necessary information and documents before giving you advice and will also discuss your time frame for results. Be realistic and honest, as it’s your financial future that’s being mapped out.
Your Financial Planner analyzes your current situation to determine what you must do to meet your goals. This includes analyzing your assets, liabilities and cash flow, your current insurance cover and your investments and/or tax strategies.
Your Financial Planner will offer you recommendations that address your goals, based on the information you provided. Make sure you read all the information the Planner provides, and make a decision based on doing your own homework.
When agreeing on how the recommendations will be carried out, your Financial Planner will serve as your ‘coach,’ coordinating the process with you and professionals such as attorneys. Stick to the approach and don’t try to change it based on the vagaries of the market or slightly higher CD rates at a different institution.
Your Financial Planner is responsible for monitoring your progress towards your goals, and providing you with periodic reports to review your financial circumstances. Ensure all reporting is transparent and accurate, and that you receive statements from the institutions you invested in, and not just the broker. This will allow you to rule out many “Madoff-style” frauds.
- Set measurable goals
- Understand the effect your financial decisions have on other financial issues
- Re-evaluate your financial plan periodically
- Start now - don't assume that financial planning begins when you get older
- Start with what you have - do not assume that financial planning is only for the wealthy
- Look at the total picture - financial planning involves more than just retirement planning or tax planning
- Don't confuse financial planning with investing
- Don't expect unrealistic returns on investments (see article)
- Do not wait until a financial crisis to start planning
- Take control - you are in charge of the financial planning process