Deposit Rates APY Vs.Others
Savings N.A. 4.60% →
1-Year CD N.A. 4.59% →
2-Year CD N.A. 4.25% →
3-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
4-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
5-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →

Deposit Rates - March 28, 2025

Bank Offers

Radius Bank raises High Yield Savings Rate to 1.96% on Balances over $25,000
Aug 31, 2018

Radius Bank has raised its high yield savings rate on balances over $25,000 from 1.86% to 1.96%.   Compare all online savings rates here.

Climate Policy and Initiatives

Radius Bank is encouraged to provide us with this information. When we receive this information from the online bank, we will provide it here.

Customer Reviews for Radius Bank

  • November 5, 2018 |

    Online Savings Rates

    Not too happy with all the changes to the website and not to happy that the rate is no longer the best, but the people are just so nice and helpful.

  • August 25, 2018 |

    Online Savings Rates

    The best interface I have seen! I hope they continue to be competitive with their savings rates!

  • July 2, 2018 |

    Online Savings Rates

    I am glad I found out about this rate on BestCash. It is a friendly, fun bank and you cannot beat the rate as long as you have the 25g's for the higher rate.

  • June 11, 2018 |

    Online Savings Rates

    A little quirky but worthwhile for large amounts over $25,000.

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