Laurel Road, a division of KeyBank

Deposit Rates APY Vs.Others
Savings 3.80% 4.75% →
1-Year CD N.A. 4.59% →
2-Year CD N.A. 4.35% →
3-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
4-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
5-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →

Reviewed by Yeller | May 8, 2023 |

Online Savings Rates

STAY BELOW FDIC limits. This is a desperate product unleashed from a distressed bank!

Deposit Rates - March 11, 2025

Online Savings and Money Market Rates
Online Savings and Money Market Rates APY MIN MAX
High Yield Savings
3.80% $0 - Learn More

Climate Policy and Initiatives

Parent Bank Initiatives:

KeyBank has significant lending to the oil and gas industry in excess of $3.60 billion and is aggressively courting new oil and gas business with little effort to curtail its work in this space.  The bank also claims to have significant exposure to battery and solar + storage projects

Updated April 3, 2024

Laurel Road, a division of KeyBank Climate Score: C

Laurel Road, a division of KeyBank Climate Score Info: KeyBank is clearly a player in financing renewable energy projects, but has decades of work in the oil and gas sector.

Customer Reviews for Laurel Road, a division of KeyBank

  • May 8, 2023 |

    Online Savings Rates

    STAY BELOW FDIC limits. This is a desperate product unleashed from a distressed bank!

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