Online Savings and Money Market Rates | APY | MIN | MAX | |
Connect Savings
1.00% | $100 | - |
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Jumbo Savings
4.15% | $25,000 | - |
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Money Market Accelerator Money Market |
3.96% | $5,000 | - |
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Online CD Rates | APY | MIN | MAX | |
Connect 6-Month CD
4.00% | $500 | - |
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Connect 12-Month CD
3.95% | $500 | - |
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Connect 18-Month CD
4.15% | $500 | - |
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Connect 24-Month Investment CD
4.25% | $500 | - |
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Connect 36-Month CD
0.85% | $500 | - |
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Bank 5 Connect, formerly an online savings rate leader, lowered its online savings rate from 4.95% APY to 4.60% APY today.
Bank5 Connect is encouraged to provide us with this information. When we receive this information from the online bank, we will provide it here.
Customer Reviews for Bank5 Connect (11)
July 17, 2021 |
I've been with this bank for 6 months and have not had any problems. Bill pay works good. The 24 month investing CD is another vechile I use. Rates are above average considering the national rate. I'd recommend this bank.
Is this review helpful? Yes:4 / No: 1
June 27, 2020
Agree with "Cannot recommend", this is a bricks and mortar bank with a very limited online presence.
Is this review helpful? Yes:5 / No: 0
Timothy E
September 15, 2018 |
I applied 5 days ago. I have perfect credit. Got a letter back saying that they were unable to verify my credit with Equifax. I have never dreamed of being rejected for a savings account and have nothing more to say (speechless).
Is this review helpful? Yes:7 / No: 0
Cannot recommend
July 21, 2018 |
This is not an online bank. It is a Massachusetts bank discriminating against Massachusetts residents by trying to offer higher rates to outsiders. But, their online capabilities are a joke. Please remove from the online table and return this to the Mass. table.
Is this review helpful? Yes:5 / No: 1
May 7, 2018 |
Great rates on CD's, but a big pain in the --- to get through the account opening even when you are a existing customer.
Is this review helpful? Yes:11 / No: 0
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