Amex has raised its Personal Savings rate from 0.40% to 0.50% APY today.
The bank had lowered its rate from 0.65% to 0.60% last month, and has now brought it back to 0.65%.
The rate, which is good for balances from $2,500 to $250,000, is the highest nationally available online rate for balances under $100,000 at the moment.
Barclays has increased its online savings rate to 0.50%.
It has also increased all of its online CD rates over 1 year as listed here:
Prime Alliance has raised its online savings and money market rates by ten basis points from 0.50% to 0.60% APY.
Fitness Bank has lowered its top tier savings rate by 10 basis points today. The rate requires 12,500 average steps (or 10,000 for those over 65).
Live Oak has lowered its online savings rate again, effective June 10, 2021.
Prime Alliance Bank, a small Utah-based bank that has been competitive in the online savings (money market) space over the last year, has lowered its online savings rate from 0.60% to 0.50% APY.
The bank has lowered their online savings rate by 10 basis points from 0.60% APY.
This is now the highest nationally available 1-year CD rate. We are just beginning to head in the right direction.
Live Oak has lowered it online savings rate by 5 basis points today.