Lots of people have travel on their itinerary for 2025, and if you are spending big bucks getting around seeing the world, it is important to have a credit card that gives you some rewards and will enable you to do more traveling in years beyond. Using BestCashCow’s rewards values, we’ve determined the following to be the five best cards for travel in 2025.
Card | Point Value (cents)* |
Hotel | Air | Notes |
Citi Prestige Card | 1.95 | 5x | 3x | $495 / year, includes $250 travel credit, 2x 4th night free hotel benefit. |
Chase Saphire Reserve | 2.05 | 3x | 3x | $450 / year, includes $300 travel credit. |
AmEx Platinum | 1.85 | 5x | 5x | $550 / year; 5x only on air travel purchased directly from airline or hotels booked through Amex. |
Bank of America Premium Rewards | 1 | 3.5x | 3.5x | Must have $100,000 with BoA or Merrill Lynch. |
Barclays Arrival Plus World Elite Mastercard | 1 | 2.05x | 2.05x | Rewards are in the Form of a Statement Credit; $0 first year, $89 thereafter. |
The first three of these cards all have hefty annual fees and therefore won’t be appropriate for people who do not travel much. For those who aren’t choosing a card based on its value for travel, BestCashCow provides a tool to let you analyze the best over overall credit cards for you based on your spending habits.