Salem Co-operative Bank


3 S Broadway
Salem, NH 03079
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Notable Rates APY Vs.Others
Savings N.A. 4.60% →
1-Year CD N.A. 4.59% →
2-Year CD N.A. 4.25% →
5-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
30-Year Mortgage 7.81% 4.91% →
15-Year Mortgage 7.36% 4.39% →
HELOC 5.00% 0.99% →

2025 Overview

General Bank Information

Salem Co-operative Bank is an FDIC insured institution located in Salem, NH. It was founded in 1922 and has approximately $0.57 billion in assets. Customers can open an account at one of its 2 branches.

FDIC Insured Yes
FDIC Certificate # 27824
Date Established 1922
Assets $ 565.60 million
Loans $ 465.22 million
Deposits $ 371.88 million
Capital $ 63.54 million

For a more detailed analysis of Salem Co-operative Bank's financial condition and a description of what these numbers mean, please visit the Financial Details section.

Deposit Rates - March 26, 2025

Your Current Location: Ohio, OH 43085

Loan Rates - March 26, 2025

Your Current Location: Ohio, OH 43085

Home Equity Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment
Auto Loan Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment
3 Year 5.25% 5.25% $752.08
4 Year 5.75% 5.75% $584.26
5 Year 6.25% 6.25% $486.23
Refinance Mortgage Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment
Purchase Mortgage Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment

Monthly payments for mortgage products are based on a loan amount of $200,000. Home equity monthly payments are based on a loan amount of $50,000. Auto loan monthly payments are based on a loan amount of $25,000. Rates for each product are based on a variety of factors including credit score and loan amount. For specific requirements please check with the lender. Rates may change at any time.


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Your Location:

Salem Co-operative Bank Locations around zip code 43085

BranchDistance Map View Lobby Hours

Salem Co-Operative Bank

653.53 A View Lobby Hours

284 Merrimack Street

657.62 B View Lobby Hours

Climate Policy and Initiatives

Salem Co-operative Bank is encouraged to provide us with this information. When we receive this information from the bank, we will provide it here.

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Financial Details

Salem Co-operative Bank Ratio Analysis

The following ratios and data are available to help you better understand the financial condition of Salem Co-operative Bank. The data is provided by the FDIC. All banks listed on are FDIC-insured. No depositor has ever lost deposits that have been within the FDIC insurance limits.

Texas Ratio
Salem Co-operative Bank U.S. Bank Average
5.29% 4.62%

The Texas Ratio compares the bank’s non performing assets (non-performing loans and real estate owned) with its tangible common equity and its loan loss reserves. A lower Texas ratio indicates better coverage of problem loans. The closer the Texas Ratio is to 1-to-1 or 100%, the less capital and reserves a bank has to absorb its loan losses.

As of September 30, 2024, Salem Co-operative Bank had $2,900,000 in non-current loans and $610,000 in owned real estate. To cover these potential losses it had $63,535,000 in equity and $2,827,000 in loans loss reserves. That gives it a Texas Ratio of 5.29%.

Return on Equity
Salem Co-operative Bank U.S. Bank Average
-5.61% 10.02%

Salem Co-operative Bank has a Return on Equity of -5.61% versus the BestCashCow average of 10.02%. Return on equity measures how efficiently a bank is making money from its capital. A bank with a consistently high ROE can be considered well run. A bank with a consistently low ROE can be considered poorly run.

Salem Co-operative Bank U.S. Bank Average
11.23% 11.29%

Salem Co-operative Bank has a Capitalization of 11.23% versus the BestCashCow average of 11.29. Capitalization measures how much equity capital a bank has to underpin loans and other assets on its balance sheet. The higher the capitalization number the more secure a bank is considered.

Salem Co-operative Bank Balance Sheet Analysis

As of September 30, 2024, Salem Co-operative Bank had assets of $565,595,000, loans of $465,220,000, and deposits of $371,884,000. Long-term increases in deposits shows a bank's ability to raise funds to grow its loans and assets. Loan and asset growth may rise or fall depending on a bank's strategy for growth. Sharp rises and falls in assets, deposits, and loans can be problematic, indicating a loosening of lending standards, or financial distress leading to reduced lending. A big change in these figured can also be from a bank acquisition or merger.

Summary Balance Sheet

September 30, 2024
Cash & Balances due from depository institutions $ 9.86 million
Interest-bearing balances $ 5.42 million
Total securities $ 53.38 million
Federal funds sold and reverse repurchase N.A.
Net loans and leases $ 465.22 million
Loan loss allowance $ 2.83 million
Trading account assets N.A.
Bank premises and fixed assets N.A.
Other real estate owned $ 0.61 million
Goodwill and other intangibles N.A.
All other assets $ 24.58 million
     Total Assets $ 502.06 million
Total deposits $ 371.88 million
      Interest-bearing deposits $ 321.28 million
      Deposits held in domestic offices $ 371.88 million
      % insured (estimated) 89.83%
Federal funds purchased and repurchase agreements N.A.
Trading liabilities N.A.
Other borrowed funds $ 23.48 million
Subordinated debt N.A.
All other liabilities $ 7.09 million
      Total Liabilities $ 502.06 million
      Shareholders’ Equity $ 63.54 million

Summary Income Statement

September 30, 2024
Total Interest Income $ 16.84 million
Total Interest Expense $ 10.65 million
Net interest income $ 6.19 million
Provision for loan and lease losses $ 0.10 million
Total non interest income $ 0.59 million
Total non interest expense $ 10.27 million
Pre-tax Net Operating Income $ 1.13 million

Bank Loan Profile?

The top three loan types in Salem Co-operative Bank’s loan portfolio are 1-4 Family Residential Loans, Commercial Real Estate, and Consumer Auto Loans.

Compared to other banks in New Hampshire, Salem Co-operative Bank has a significantly higher percent of Consumer Auto Loans on its balance sheet, potentially indicating a specialty in that lending area.

Note: Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding and double categorization of some loan types. All data from the FDIC. Additional information about this table.

Comparison to Other Banks
 Low   Med   High 
1-4 Family Residential Loans 56.53
Credit Card Loans 0.00
Consumer Auto Loans 6.12
Small Business Loans 0.00
Construction and Development Loans 3.95
Commercial Real Estate 9.87
Commercial and Industrial Loans 4.82
Farm Loans 0.00

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