Ridgewood Savings Bank


7102 Forest Ave
Ridgewood, NY 11385
See all branch locations →

Notable Rates APY Vs.Others
Savings 3.50% 4.60% →
1-Year CD N.A. 4.59% →
2-Year CD N.A. 4.25% →
5-Year CD N.A. 4.30% →
30-Year Mortgage 7.23% 4.91% →
15-Year Mortgage 6.78% 4.39% →
HELOC 7.25% 0.99% →

Reviewed by an | April 25, 2022

We would not be having all this trouble with people sealing money out of other people's bank accounts if we were to just stop using fancy banking like onlinebanki

2025 Overview

General Bank Information

Ridgewood Savings Bank is an FDIC insured institution located in Ridgewood, NY. It was founded in 1921 and has approximately $7.17 billion in assets. Customers can open an account at one of its 39 branches.

FDIC Insured Yes
FDIC Certificate # 16026
Date Established 1921
Assets $ 7.17 billion
Loans $ 4.63 billion
Deposits $ 5.63 billion
Capital $ 865.01 million

For a more detailed analysis of Ridgewood Savings Bank's financial condition and a description of what these numbers mean, please visit the Financial Details section on the Analysis page.

Deposit Rates - March 25, 2025

Your Current Location: Ohio, OH 43085

Savings and Money Market Rates APY MIN MAX
Smart Move Online Savings Rate
3.50% $0 - Learn More
Money Market
4.05% $10,000 - Learn More

Loan Rates - March 25, 2025

Your Current Location: Ohio, OH 43085

Refinance Mortgage Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment
Purchase Mortgage Rates APR Rate Monthly Payment

Monthly payments for mortgage products are based on a loan amount of $200,000. Home equity monthly payments are based on a loan amount of $50,000. Auto loan monthly payments are based on a loan amount of $25,000. Rates for each product are based on a variety of factors including credit score and loan amount. For specific requirements please check with the lender. Rates may change at any time.


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Climate Policy and Initiatives

Ridgewood Savings Bank is encouraged to provide us with this information. When we receive this information from the bank, we will provide it here.

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Customer Reviews for Ridgewood Savings Bank

  • April 25, 2022

    We would not be having all this trouble with people sealing money out of other people's bank accounts if we were to just stop using fancy banking like onlinebanki

  • April 25, 2022

    We would not be having all this trouble with people sealing money out of other people's bank accounts if we were to just stop using fancy banking like onlinebanki

  • November 18, 2020 |

    Online Savings Rates

    I've been very pleased over the first six months - now feel cheated by silent .05% drops. How difficult is it to send a blast email notifying customers as a courtesy?

  • September 13, 2020 |

    Online Savings Rates

    Ridgewood is a New York bank, not a New Jerzey bank. I wanted to correct this because it means that they are moderately competent, but you will still be better off with a real online bank.

  • July 18, 2020 |

    Online Savings Rates

    This is a New Jersey bank. Nice folks and all, but not really set up for online banking or at least I don't think so. Would rather use Ally or some of the places with better online functionality.

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