Frequently Asked Questions About Greenville Savings Bank

Branches and Savings

Is Greenville Savings Bank FDIC insured?

Yes. It is covered under FDIC Certificate #30637.

Is Greenville Savings Bank a commercial bank?


Where are Greenville Savings Bank locations?

Is Greenville Savings Bank open on Saturdays?

Is Greenville Savings Bank open on Sundays?

What time does Greenville Savings Bank open?

What time does Greenville Savings Bank close?

Are Greenville Savings Bank ATMs Open 24/7?

Do Greenville Savings Bank ATMs accept cash deposits?

Can Greenville Savings Bank customers use other ATMs?

Do Greenville Savings Bank branches have notaries?

Will Greenville Savings Bank notarize my document?

What address for Greenville Savings Bank should I put for incoming ACH transfers?

Will the Greenville Savings Bank branch print checks?

Do Greenville Savings Bank checks expire?

Does Greenville Savings Bank require US citizenship to open account?

Can Greenville Savings Bank close my account?

Does Greenville Savings Bank Report to credit bureaus?

Does Greenville Savings Bank Use Equifax?

What is Greenville Savings Bank's ACH Routing Number?

What is Greenville Savings Bank's SWIFT code?


Does Greenville Savings Bank offer deposit accounts?

1-Year CD
5-Year CD

Compare more deposit accounts rates here.

Does Greenville Savings Bank offer mortgages?

Compare mortgage rates here.

Does Greenville Savings Bank offer home equity lines of credit and home equity loans?

Compare home equity lines of credit rates here.

Does Greenville Savings Bank offer personal loans?

Compare personal loan rates here.

Does Greenville Savings Bank offer student loans?

Will Greenville Savings Bank cash a check?

Will Greenville Savings Bank redeem a savings bond?

Does Greenville Savings Bank cash savings bonds?

Will Greenville Savings Bank cash money orders?

Can Greenville Savings Bank issue a money order?

Does Greenville Savings Bank do currency exchange?

Background on The Bank

Who owns Greenville Savings Bank?

How long has Greenville Savings Bank been around?

Can Greenville Savings Bank transfer to other banks?

Does Greenville Savings Bank have quick pay?

Does Greenville Savings Bank accept rolled coins?

Will Greenville Savings Bank accept loose change?

Where is Greenville Savings Bank headquarters?