Bank Health

Texas Ratio Headquarters Assets
The Union State Bank of Everest 1.74% Everest, KS $418,406
Austin Capital Bank SSB 0.92% Austin, TX $417,854
Bank of the Plains 3.87% Plains, KS $417,709
Town & Country Bank and Trust Company 0.10% Bardstown, KY $417,415
Shelby Savings Bank, SSB 1.55% Center, TX $417,200
New Era Bank 0.73% Fredericktown, MO $417,127
Bank of Dudley 0.68% Dudley, GA $416,738
MCBank 1.02% Goldthwaite, TX $416,534
Security State Bank 1.26% Sutherland, IA $416,431
Welch State Bank of Welch, Okla. 1.87% Welch, OK $416,313
The Peoples Bank 0.21% Iva, SC $416,032
United Cumberland Bank 12.41% Whitley City, KY $415,704
First Century Bank, National Association 0.02% Commerce, GA $415,568
Bank of Madison 2.58% Madison, GA $415,546
NobleBank & Trust 2.84% Anniston, AL $415,280
Community Bank and Trust 0.32% Neosho, MO $415,019
Marion Center Bank 12.59% Indiana, PA $414,960
North Brookfield Savings Bank 4.63% North Brookfield, MA $414,887
The Dolores State Bank 3.70% Dolores, CO $414,859
Waukon State Bank 3.07% Waukon, IA $414,775
Centinel Bank of Taos 0.01% Taos, NM $414,264
The First National Bank of Stanton 0.02% Stanton, TX $414,238
Ennis State Bank 0.81% Ennis, TX $413,270
First State Bank of the Southeast, Inc 12.13% Middlesboro, KY $412,767
Chickasaw Community Bank 2.91% Oklahoma City, OK $412,671
Alliance Community Bank 1.19% Petersburg, IL $412,649
First National Bank & Trust Company 1.28% Clinton, IL $412,093
Anchor Bank 3.82% Palm Beach Gardens, FL $411,501
Meade County Bank 0.47% Brandenburg, KY $411,211
The Clinton National Bank 3.89% Clinton, IA $411,123