Top Five Reason why the iPhone is Not a Game Changer
1) No messaging and that is what I really need. Now, instead of my Blackberry and my Nano, I now need to carry my Blackberry and my IPhone. What have I accomplished?
2) The internet browsing on the Pearl or the Palm is just fine. I am not going to be using the wireless internet for anything except in an emergency anyway. (it is a niche market that will be obviated by WiMax).
3) The new ATT is the same old Cingular and they are going to kill the user experience anyway.
4) Price is way too expensive.
5) It’s all hype!
The people who you see buying this thing the week after it is released are all suckers. They are screaming out “look at me”. Probably comes from having been deprived of their parents’ attention as youngsters.
June 24, 2007
I know a lot of people with a talking about buying it, and it doesn't make much sense to me since $499 gets you only 4 MG of storage and no email abilities. Email is a killer app. Plus, the 2 year contract.
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