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I recently learned that it would cost me $200,000 to graduate from my Alma mater. It made me wonder if the cost was worth it.
Read →I have been silently calculating my financial health by including the money (even though it isn't much) my parents will be leaving me when they die. I know it is an unseemly thought, but face it -- many of us do this. It is certainly not something one talks about, but it is also stupid.
Read →It is hard to think of investing these days without looking abroad for some part of your investments. And, the one place that seems absolutely hot is China. Of course, it is risky too, what with all the manufacturing issues recently. But, it is just bursting with growth and opportunity. I have found one holding that has worked for me. It's an ETF (exchange traded fund) on the New York Stock Exchange.
Read →I heard on the news today that Michael Moore is encouraging people and funds to sell all of their health insurance stocks
Read →Nokia could easily have been Apple and Research in Motion in one. Instead, they choose to be neither.
Read →A tried and true market timing strategy followed by many with measurable results
Read →Genentech- DNA- has been the cream of the biotech crop for many years. They developed TPA long ago, and more recently have had a string of very successful chemo drugs. Their stock is now sinking and will likely go much lower.
Read →The responses to my previous post - Michael Moore and Me - have been very troubling to me for many reasons. I will try to respond to some of these issues here.
Read →Facebook Apps look like a waste of time and resources to me. Working with the community makes sense, spending lots of resources to develop an app for the community, doesn't. Here are the reasons why.
Read →Investors need to ignore the frenzied noise from commentators about where stocks traded seven years ago.
Read →Have you ever even stopped to think about why dimes and quarters (and fifty and one dollar coins) have ridges all around their edge? And, for that matter, why pennies and nickels do not?
Read →Next time you get change for a dollar, look at the coins. Unlike any other currency, there is something decidely different about our coins. And, ask anyone and they will not have noticed.
Read →The iPhone doesn't change the playing field. It is all hype and should be sold together with a baseball hat so that those who buy it can get the attention that they seek when they are not using it.
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