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I examine the CNBC expert survey and make my own predictions.
Read →It almost doesn't matter which energy stocks you invest in -- though Fast Money folks love to debate conoco versus chevron. I actually prefer Exxon, but they are all doing very well and will continue to do so. The pressing need for oil is not going away -- not anytime soon, not in our lifetimes. Alternatives are needed, but oil and natural gas will be the principal source for as long as you can look out. A new, comprehensive and international study just concluded the world's growth in population and rising living standards worldwide is expected to increase energy consumption globally 50% in the next 25 years!! Think about that.
Read →Yahoo and Intel did some one day damage to the market, but it rebounded because the economy is driven by Google these days. Expectations for Google are so high that we might not be so lucky to see a quick rebound if things donââ¬â¢t go so smoothly.
Read →Doug Kass, a seasoned and successful investor, was brought on Fast Money this evening. He was cool; he was lucid; he was convincing. But he was as far off message from the folks at Fast Money as one could be. It is to Fast Money's credit that they did have him on the program, even if they paid only scant attention to what he had to say. His message was simple and sobering -- we are bubbled out. The markets are responding to momentum not fundamentals. They are far overshooting.
Read →The hoopla over new record highs for the Dow and S&P is just that -- a lot of noise signifying little or nothing. These kinds of highs feed the bubbles of today as they did those in past years. But it isn't a very good idea to do too much celebrating over these new highs. One has to look back and one has to fold in measures of inflation before cheering.
Read →Today's news out of Japan underscores that nuclear isn't the way for the US to go.
Read →Harris Interactive's brand survey lists Coka Cola as the number one brand. Interestingly, Microsoft beat Apple.
Read →The US dollar is collapsing and that is why the stock market is going up
Read →If these guys think that they can still meet their earlier estimates for 2007 and 2008, then I want some of whatever they are smoking!
Read →The media seems to have traded in attention to the iPhone for the 14000 mark on the Dow. Both are hype. Euphoria in the market is about to face the impact of Intel and Yahoo numbers as well as the sub prime. All this is a recipe for trouble. Just watch the media turn on a dime.
Read →Five Reasons Housing Market Headed Down Further
There's no way we have hit bottom with the housing market. If you have real estate to sell, you'e in trouble. If you want to buy - wait! Here are five reasons why.
Read →Giving by alumni is a business decision, don't think otherwise. It is not, in the main, a response to a philanthropic urge. It is weighted in favor of those who have children and carefully calibrated by the age of those children. As an alumnus' children get closer to college age, the amount of giving rises and it declines after graduation. Not many childless alumni give and certainly not for very long.
Read →The New York Times is reporting and Business 2.0, the venerable chronicler of the Internet and technology may be shut down soon. I don't think it will happen.
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