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Bekow is a list of the 10 keys to the success of the New England Patriots. There are many lessons for operating a company in watching the Pats manage their team.

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With all the failures in grocery delivery, it is strange, indeed, to see Amazon putting its toe into this arena. But that is exactly what Amazon is doing. They have begun, without fanfare, to deliver fresh groceries in the Seattle area. For any other company, one would just say they probably have lost their sense of direction. But, Amazon is another case entirely.

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Someone, please answer this question! Why do the masses still stash their money in low rate savings accounts from the big banks like BofA, Citibank, and Chase? There is a big difference between their rates and the market leaders.

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As all of the money center banks and investment banks have their stocks fall off of a cliff, General Electric's stock is sticking to a 5 year high. This doesn't make any sense to me.

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Club Penguin, the online hangout for kids was purchased today by Disney for $350 MM. That price could rise to $700 MM based on growth targets and performance. The site was started and owned by Canada's New Horizon Interactive Ltd.... Read →

It sure didn't take long! All those warnings have come true, and all those promises from Apple.... All I got was "Hello World," not much but the beginning of much more, I am sure.

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Carry Trades are little known by the general public but are trillion dollar positions taken by some of the largest investment banks and hedge funds. Conditions that have favored Carry Trades are reversing and if they unravel badly, watch out.

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2005 and 2006 enjoyed the largest number of new mortgages, many of which were adjustables (including but not limited to sub-prime slime). The adjustable mortgages were usually set for two years, after which rates jumped significantly. ... Read →

First part of a speech Warren Buffett gave to MBA students at the University of Florida. He discusses what he thinks are the important qualities of successful people.

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Playing to his republican base, Giuliani plans to propose tax breaks for those who buy coverage on their own. His expectations are that his plan would more than double the number of people buying their own healthcare coverage.

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Car create other pollution, in addition to CO2 - such as tire pollution. While these dangers are known, people are only focused on CO2.

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The best source of organ donors, healthy people who die unexpectedly, has always been motorcycle riders. Ask any transplant surgeon. While fatalities from car accidents have declined dramatically in recent years, thanks to air bags and other safety technologies, fatalities among motorcycle riders actually rose some 5% (almost 5,000 people) last year. And, the situation is getting worse as older people join the ranks of the 20 to 30 year olds and as helmet use becomes a thing of the past. The sad truth is that organ donors are more plentiful than ever before thanks to these trends.

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Chicago-based hedge fund, Citadel Investment Group, bought at basement prices the distressed assets of the much smaller hedge fund Sowood Capital. The story here is twofold: (1) there is plenty of money still out there to pick up assets of hedge funds falling off the cliff (Citadel did this before with the distressed Amaranth), and (2) success with Harvard’s investments is not necessarily a guaranty for success in the hedge fund world.

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Despite the media hype to the contrary, the public long ago approved the sale of Dow Jones and the Wall Street Journal to Mr. Murdoch. Here's why.

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Here are the top financial and business stories on BestCashCow based on the votes of the site's members.

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