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The problem is now that the entire economy dried up in January. Everything stopped.

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The charts are scary and this is unprecedented, but it is real and it is happening.

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Stock dividends account for 70% of after tax income since 1900 after inflation. So when dividends get cut, equities don't look nearly as attractive as bonds.

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A year after the collapse of the auction rate security market, investors are still stuck in an estimated $176 billion of the securities, despite regulators forcing banks to buy back up to $50 billion.

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President Obama announced today that he has directed the Treasury Department to reduce employee withholding taxes as part of the American Recovery and Investment Act. He estimates that average family will take home $65 more because of it. ... Read →

The current scenario is becoming one that would have been unimaginable to many even as recently as October. In so many ways, it is much worse than the Great Depression.

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I've written on this site for many months that GE is the ultimate unknowable stock and people should get out. Did you?

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When you include the impact of inflation, savings account rates today are actually yielding more than they were one year ago. Inflation is the scourge of savers but deflation is the friend of those who hold cash.

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The news that Certificates of Deposit sold by Stanford International Bank highlights the importance of making sure the bank you deposit money into is FDIC insured and regulated.

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Geithner is a very hard guy to understand. He may also be clinically disabled. It is made far more difficult to understand him by his most unusual speaking mannerisms. He speaks with his hands; his words just interpret the motions of his hands. It is unlike anything I have ever seen.

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The current environment presents the perfect opportunity for the government to just say "enough is enough."

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It is impossible not to wonder if this is the doing of Harry Markopolos.

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Friday the 13th saw four bank failures - Pinnacle Bank, Corn Belt Bank and Trust, Riverside Bank of the Gulf Coast, Sherman County Bank - the most of any Friday so far.

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I am incredibly disappointed by what I have seen on CNBC the last couple of days.

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Discover Bank is offering $50 for opening a new CD account online. Between now and February 28, 2009, open a new CD account at with a minimum of $10,000 and Discover Bank will credit your account with $50.

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