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BestCashCow's Best Bets in Online Savings and Money Market Accounts for 2019

The Federal Reserve moved in September 2018 to a 2 – 2.25% Fed Funds rate, and savings and money market rates are now firmly above 2%. Interest rates are poised to go up again in December 2018. Unless Trump fires Jay Powell, the... Read →
November 2018 Update – Five Nationally Available Online Savings And CD Accounts to Consider Image Courtesy: KNKX

November 2018 Update – Five Nationally Available Online Savings And CD Accounts to Consider

Online savings and CD rates rose in October. We continue to favor savings rates over CD rates. It remains likely that the Federal Reserve will raise the Fed Funds rate from its current 2.00 – 2.25% Fed Funds rate to a 2.25% - 2.50%... Read →
How to Avoid Early Withdrawal Fees on A CD Image Courtesy: Pexels

How to Avoid Early Withdrawal Fees on A CD

As interest rates have begun to rise, I’ve received numerous questions from readers asking about ways that they can get out of paying early withdrawal fees on long-term Certificates of Deposit that they may have bought a couple of... Read →
No Penalty CDs May Offer An Easy Way to Boost to Your Savings Rates Image Courtesy: Pexels

No Penalty CDs May Offer An Easy Way to Boost to Your Savings Rates

Here at BestCashCow, we have been a fan of the No Penalty Certificate of Deposit since Ally began offering it years ago. It ordinarily offers depositors a slight improvement over a comparable savings rate at the same online bank. Since... Read →
The Caravan – Tragic but Brilliant Image Courtesy: CNN

The Caravan – Tragic but Brilliant

While the Republicans make noises about deep-pocket Democrats seeding dissent and organizing protests in Central America, imagine for a moment what is really happening. And what is happening is very simply one of the most well planned and... Read →
Amazon Is Getting on My Nerves Image Courtesy: Amazon

Amazon Is Getting on My Nerves

It’s been a year since Amazon began its “secretive” review of a location for its second major operating headquarters. And, it has now reached the absurd. At first it was fun trying to psych out the location and then... Read →
Chase Unveils Sapphire Banking; It is Worth a Look for Those with $75,000 Image Copyright:

Chase Unveils Sapphire Banking; It is Worth a Look for Those with $75,000

Here at BestCashCow, we’ve always been big proponents of earning the highest possible interest on your cash accounts (savings, CDs, checking). We are also big proponents of maximizing your credit card travel rewards by using the... Read →
Finally Online Banks Are Highlighting Low Rates At Money Center Banks Image Copyright: BestCashCow

Finally Online Banks Are Highlighting Low Rates At Money Center Banks

One of the most amazing things over the last years has been the huge difference between interest that could be earned from savings and CDs in online banks as compared with that earned at the major brick-and-mortar banks (Chase, Bank of... Read →
Being A Woman Does Not Alone An American Hero Make Image Courtesy: Pexels

Being A Woman Does Not Alone An American Hero Make

It’s understandable that we look to women now to take us out of the current crisis in America . There is no question that men, holding the vast majority of positions in the two houses of Congress and in the Administration, are feeble... Read →
Could Trump Fire Fed Chairman Jay Powell? Image Courtesy:

Could Trump Fire Fed Chairman Jay Powell?

It is very standard practice that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is appointed to a 4-year term by the President of the United States. It is also custom that in between appointments, the President refrains from commenting on Federal... Read →
Should I Deposit Over FDIC Limits in XYZ Bank? Image Courtesy: Pexels

Should I Deposit Over FDIC Limits in XYZ Bank?

Having been running BestCashCow for many years now, this is the most common question that I receive. The question comes from people I know well and people I know casually and people who I don’t know at all. It comes fast and... Read →
October 2018 Update – Five Online Savings Accounts to Consider as Rates Rise Image Copyright: BestCashCow

October 2018 Update – Five Online Savings Accounts to Consider as Rates Rise

Following the Federal Reserve’s hike in the Fed Funds rate in September, we have seen interest rates of all durations move up in the first week in October. Savings rates too have risen, causing the best rates in BestCashCow’s... Read →
Morgan Stanley is Offering its Customers 2.10% on Savings or 2.40% on a 6-Month CD Image Courtesy: Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is Offering its Customers 2.10% on Savings or 2.40% on a 6-Month CD

Morgan Stanley is trying to get its large customer base to move some of their assets back to the bank from other institutions that may have offered better rates in the past. They are doing this by offering an promotional savings rate of... Read →
Senate Confirmation of Kavanaugh is a Huge Victory for Democrats Image Courtesy: Huffington Post

Senate Confirmation of Kavanaugh is a Huge Victory for Democrats

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s elevation to the Supreme Court is a tremendous defeat for democracy and probably a serious low point for our country. At least it is a low point in terms of things we have done to ourselves. Pearl Harbor... Read →
Interest Rates Rise: What it Means for CDs Image Acadia National Park, Courtesy Wikipedia

Interest Rates Rise: What it Means for CDs

Over the last two days, we have seen the 10 and the 30-Year US Treasury rates move higher. The financial media is saying they “spiked” but the 10-year US Treasury is now at 3.20% (from 3.00%) and the 30-year US Treasury is now... Read →