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Apple Federal Credit Union is offering a 3.5% APY 60-month CD. That's a very competitive rate in today's low rate environment.

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Congress is regulating away tens of billions in bank profits from "deceptive" credit card and overdraft practices. To compensate, banks are looking at new fees. Is this fair? Many consumers feel that banks are making enough of a... Read →

Here is a look at a trend that has been making waves with real estate professionals. Should there be a difference in value between a bank owned home and a non foreclosed property?

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Nobel winning economist Paul Krugman believes there is a 30-40% change of a double-dip recession in 2010.

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Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, in a speech to the American Economic Association said that the low rate policy of the Fed in 2001-2004 played only a small role in the housing bubble. What were the culprits? Lax regulation, lax underwriting, and global capital flows.

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Is now a good time to put money into a short term bond fund? With rates so low, will you lose money in these funds when rates rise? Are they the best option to park some money? I recently had a friend who came into a significant chunk of... Read →

Some feel the economy is not moving forward as was thought, but it's hard to argue against some of the data that just keeps coming out; like jobless claims for example.

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The US government owns Citibank and the government should close down the behemoth's highly corrupt research team that purely manipulates stocks.

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Since it's the last day in 2009, I thought it sense to take stock of the past year and post a few bonus charts to help digest what has gone on. Let's start with the general theme for 2009. If you're a deposit holder or living... Read →

The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage rose to 5.14% this week according to data from Freddie Mac. That's higher than the 5.10% rate at this time last year.

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The municipal bond insurance market took a beating during the financial crisis, virtually disappearing. Now the question everyone is asking is, do we need it?

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It is tough to keep up with the market and all the news that gets released each week, even for the professionals. Every month we are given economic data in the form of indicators and these indicators help get a read on the econoomy.

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The AIG bailout will go down as one of the most wasteful use of taxpayer dollars and the largest representation of moral hazard in government interventionist history. Despite the seemingly strong recovery from the financial brink of... Read →
Mark Zandi, the chief economist of Moody's predicts that we are not through the housing correction yet. According to him, housing will fall 5-10% more nationally and as much as 30% in places like Miami and Las Vegas. This... Read →

In order to understand the AIG debacle or any other possible seizure or bailout of an insurance company, it is important to understand the inner-workings of the insurance industry.

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