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Once again, tax-exempt municipal bonds outperformed the Treasury market last week, although this may have been due to inattention during a holiday-shortened trading schedule and the large East Coast snowstorms. Still, demand remains exceptionally strong, fueled by investors fleeing the tax-exempt money funds and looking for a safe shelter from rising income tax rates.

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China is rising and the US is in terminal decline. Is the end near and what do the next 100 years hold for global economic dominance?

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The new credit regulations are throwing the credit card industry into a tailspin. Many business owners are turning to their business cards to charge things, but is this the best option for them?

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Fifteen-Year Fixed Mortgages Gaining in Popularity

With mortgage rates below five percent, many homeowners are refinancing their mortgage. But what is the most popular mortgage that people are choosing these days?

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The budget deficit is bad and according to the latest budget projections only going to get worse. While revenue is expected to remain relatively flat, spending is going to skyrocket due to spending on entitlement programs. The graph below... Read →

Using Credit Cards to Raise Financially-Responsible Teens

What is the best way to teach your teen and young adult how to handle money? There are several theories and ideas, but here are some ways to get you started.

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With so many homeowners going through foreclosure, banks are looking for ways to ease the burden on themselves and the homeowner. CitiGroup has one idea which seems like it could catch on.

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What are My Mortgage Options?

There are many mortgage options available when buying a home. Which one is the right one for your financial situation?

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With the number of banks and credit unions around, you have many options available to you for credit cards. But which ones are better: credit union credit cards or bank credit cards?

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Overspending on a house was a major contributor to the real estate bubble and its subsequent collapse. To minimize the potential for future problems and the threat of foreclosures, make sure you accurately project your costs and income to... Read →
The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage dropped last week from 5.01% to 4.97% according to data from Freddie Mac. The average 30-year fixed mortgage from the BestCashCow rate tables also dipped slightly from 5.017% to 5.015%. Mortgage... Read →
The National Association of Realtors fourth quarter home sales results are out and they tell us what we expected - home sales surged at the end of 2010. The reason: record low interest rates as well as the homebuyer tax credit. From the... Read →

Irwin Kellner, the Chief Economist or Marketwatch came out with an article today parroting what we've been saying for the last year: the Fed is punishing savers to the benefit of borrowers. The mainstream press has sporadically written articles about this but it's good to see it continuing to get attention.

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Taleb: Buffett is Lucky

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan, says Buffett is more luck than skill. Is the brilliant theorist and statistician correct?

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