The world’s leaders are meeting again at the Davos World Economic Forum. The media is also there, hungrily running after attendees to get their comments on everything from economic projections, environmental challenges, and political... Read →
By refusing to give Donald Trump his wall, you are missing a huge win and a major opportunity. No one really gives a damn about the wall. It’s obviously a political chit and a vanity project. But, it is also a huge obstacle to... Read →
Jack Bogle pioneered the investing world and the mutual fund industry. He taught the world that they should not be paying fees for performance, and that seeking to be average will outperform over the medium-term and the long-term. He... Read →
29 years old, street smart, and wonderfully idealistic, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is enjoying a spectacular ascent in the political world. She is bright, engaging, and strong. At 29 years of age, she is, in fact, the youngest... Read →
Occasionally, financial planners reach out to me and want to connect on LinkedIn and social media. While I do not hold financial planners in very high esteem since, they are always selling their latest product. I occasionally connect in... Read →
American Express’s Platinum card once gave cardholders a $200 annual credit against airline purchases. Several years ago, Amex “upgraded” its program by only applying the $200 annual credit against incidentals at a... Read →
Amazingly, Jim Cramer, the biggest proponent of the stock market was interviewed on NBC’s Today show the other day and couldn't say anything other than to buy CDs.
It is a video so extraordinary that you need to watch it... Read →
There are several well-known online banks that are offering 1-Year CDs at 2.85%. In fact, some banks may even be a little higher. You can see the list of the best online 1-year CD rates here. You may also find better one-year CD rates... Read →
Yesterday, as the stock market was opening the year 2019 on a down note, Celgene was making a move from 63 to 67. The options premiums on all long-dated options were spiking higher. And, there was no news on Revlimid or any other... Read →
I cannot do it anymore. I just cannot watch CNBC or Bloomberg. It isn’t because the market is falling (it is). And, it isn’t because I cannot bear to hear the usual batch of cheerleaders (so-called “analysts”)... Read →
The Wall Street Journal started the year off with an interesting article that seems to say that the credit card flipping game is about to end. It suggested that Chase – which controls many of the most valuable sign-up bonuses - can... Read →
Because my predictions for 2018 have proven to be largely correct I have been emboldened to release my predictions for the coming year.
I correctly predicted online savings and money market rates going above 2% before October 2018,... Read →
If you are like most Americans, you have just learned that you have been kidding yourself for years.
We believed that the economy could grow quickly in spite of the 2016 election outcome. We believed that the Republican Congress could... Read →
General James Mattis is a man of extraordinary accomplishments, genuine intellectual heft, and impressive wisdom, and his experience and mindset is distinctly North American and shaped by years of experience in the American military. He... Read →
It has been 3 days since the Federal Reserve raised the Fed Funds target rate to a range of 2.25% to 2.50%.
Over the past year, with each raise, the major online banks have competed to be first to move their savings rate within the new... Read →