Next time you get change for a dollar, look at the coins. Unlike any other currency, there is something decidely different about our coins. And, ask anyone, except someone who doesn't read English, and they will not have noticed.
In every other currency, coins (like paper currency) will have numerical values engraved in a prominent position. You will see a 1 or 2 or 20 or 50 and so on.
On our currency, you will never find a number, not on the one cent piece, the 5, 10 or 25 cent pieces -- not even on the 50 or 1 dollar coins. Instead, all you will find is "one cent,""five cents,""one dime," "quarter dollar," "half dollar, and "one dollar." Of course, the "one dime" is the best.
Why do we spend so much time worrying about immigrants breaching our borders. Without numbers on the coins, and without knowing English, they can't even buy a bottle of milk. Once they see a penny or dime, they are going to turn right around and head for home.
June 24, 2007
Amusing. Using currency to promote the need to learn English. Leave it to us to figure that out :).
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June 24, 2007
I have never noticed this before. Awesome! have you also noticed that the size of coins in not in relation to their worth -- the nickel is larger than the dime.
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