Selected category: US Govt and Economy
The US economy shed 85,000 jobs, more than expected by analysts in a sign that the US job's picture has still not fully turned the corner.
Read →Some feel the economy is not moving forward as was thought, but it's hard to argue against some of the data that just keeps coming out; like jobless claims for example.
Read →It is tough to keep up with the market and all the news that gets released each week, even for the professionals. Every month we are given economic data in the form of indicators and these indicators help get a read on the econoomy.
Read →One needs to only go to the local store or check retail commodity prices online to realize that there are no inflationary pressures at the moment.
Read →Inflation remained relatively tame last month as consumer prices rose 0.4% according to the Labor Department. Core prices, which exclude energy and food were flat.
Read →Take a look at the new legislation and weigh in on the debate regarding new laws giving the government and the people more say and control over big business.
Read →Major World Bank, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and others weigh in on the economy for 2010.
Read →Spread in Treasuries signal more fears of inflation and concern over record pile up of debt due to Obama's spending programs.
Read →Pimco's Bill Gross says the Fed's monetary policy is designed to reinflate the economy by forcing investors to deploy their money into riskier investments. Investors are stuck in a catch22 - move money into riskier investments and potentially lose it; or keep it in low yielding accounts.
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