
Selected category: US Govt and Economy

Human Nature to Hunker Down

Germany, at the time, seemed as civilized and cultured as any Western European nation in the 1930s. Few German citizens took the Nazi movement seriously until it was too late. And, just as important, Germans under Nazi rule were mostly... Read →

The Shining City on A Hill

On January 11, 1989, Ronald Reagan spoke eloquently about America as the Shining City on a Hill. Reflecting on his eight years, he spoke proudly about how it was the home of the free, tall and proud, built on rocks stronger than oceans and... Read →

The Focus is Gone – Treating a Heart Attack Victim for an Ingrown Toenail

Over the last weeks, since Trump was inaugurated, we have seen large protests in Washington of women objecting to infringement of Roe v. Wade, and we have seen a right wing, lightweight instigator (whose name will not be printed here)... Read →

America's Psychiatrists and Psychologists Let Us All Down - BIGLY

Even modestly intelligent persons have recognized, ever since he entered the political arena, that Donald Trump has long been seriously disabled by his narcissism. His irrational, unstable and dangerous behavior was manifestly obvious and... Read →
No Worries – Stephen Bannon is on the job Image Courtesy: Lidtime

No Worries – Stephen Bannon is on the job

It is freightening, on its own, to have an unstable, malignant narcissist as President of the United States. But far more concerning is that he is really not calling the shots. Occasionally, Trump will talk from the heart about Arnold... Read →

US Government Corruption is Changing Views of Graft Worldwide – Romania Follows

We know the US leads the world. The signals being sent to friends and foes alike by our current government - and its actions to legitimize corruption - are starting to spill over into other countries. The Republican Party is throwing... Read →
The Snake Slithers - Chuck Todd Misses a Chance to Put Kellyanne Conway Away Image Courtesy: USA Today

The Snake Slithers - Chuck Todd Misses a Chance to Put Kellyanne Conway Away

Kellyanne Conway is completely ridiculous, but she is also a dangerous snake. Anybody who is so well trained in persuasive dialogue and who has seized power, even if done entirely through a strawman such as Trump, is very dangerous. ... Read →
Political Activism Sparking a Renewed Interest in Credit Unions Image Courtesy: Phil Belena

Political Activism Sparking a Renewed Interest in Credit Unions

I recently came across an interesting article that encourages readers to close certain accounts with major banks funding the Dakota Access pipeline. It also encourages them to take a renewed look at federal credit unions. After eight... Read →

With A Clenched Fist Our World Changed

During his inaugural diatribe and throughout the parade, Trump morphed from past practice of a pointed pudgy finger or a pudgy finger and pudgy thumb to a raised fist – from commoner to autocratic ruler. Anyone who stopped to... Read →
Not A Family Man Image Courtesy: Vanity Fair

Not A Family Man

Donald Trump announced, finally, how he plans to restructure his personal, business and family assets in such a way as to protect himself legally against real and imagined conflicts of interest when he assumes the Presidency in another... Read →

Emerging Market Meltdown Much More Serious Than 1998 Could Be Imminent

We have had two much more serious financial crises since the emerging market meltdown of 1998. Yet, those who lived through that crisis will remember how quickly it spread across Asia, Russia and Latin America, and how seriously it... Read →

No Surprises In Byron Wien’s Top 10 Surprises for 2017

Byron Wien’s annual top ten surprises are always fascinating for his insight. At the beginning of each year, the famed market analyst unveils his list of 10 things that he believes has a greater than 50% likelihood of occurring... Read →

Illusions About An Ethical Congress Shattered

I grew up in Europe and have spent a considerable amount of my time conducting business there as an entrepreneur. The inherent corruption in the system in Europe made it a very difficult place to conduct business -- whether graft is... Read →

Like Leningrad in 1990

I lived and practiced law in Moscow from 1994 to 1996. Ever since it became apparent that Putin and Russian hackers influenced the US election, I have been inundated with questions from friends about how I feel about Russia’s... Read →
Barack Obama will ultimately go down in history as a failed President, not because of Obamacare (the “Affordable Care Act”) or the billions that were spent on Canadian developers for a website that we here in the US could have... Read →