
Selected category: US Govt and Economy

It is Torn Now Image Columbia Journalism Review

It is Torn Now

In April, I wrote an article entitled America’s Fabric is Tearing. It focused on United Airlines' forceful removal of a passenger whose only act had been to refuse to give up his seat for an airline employee. It was corporate... Read →
Something May Have Finally Caught the Attention of the Markets! Image CNN

Something May Have Finally Caught the Attention of the Markets!

Anyone watching the spectacular rise in the Dow would think that America is on a tear and that everything if just fine. Anyone, however, objectively looking and listening to Donald Trump and watching the ridiculous doings in the Congress... Read →

Who will Drive the Ubers, Pick the Berries, Dig the Trenches, Cook the Food at Taco Bell

Donald Trump’s decision, supported only by Senators Tom Cotton and David Purdue, to limit immigration only to those with exceptional educational credentials and fluent English rejects the well-established notion that the US economy is... Read →

If Only Drumpf Had Been Denied Entry As An Immigrant

“Sorry Friedrich, but you bring no obvious skills (you plan to be a barber) and you don’t speak English. You will have to go back to Germany.” But, that’s not what they said in 1885 when he arrived on our shores... Read →
Indictment At the Ready Image US News

Indictment At the Ready

By now, with the advantage of hindsight, it is obvious where Mr. Trump is heading in the weeks ahead. There is nothing more important to him than to stop the investigation into his campaign’s and his direct associations with Russia.... Read →
In Hindsight Richard M. Nixon Was Not So Sick Image Wikipedia

In Hindsight Richard M. Nixon Was Not So Sick

I grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s and was raised to believe that Richard Nixon had been a very ill man who was deceptive, could not tell the truth, and was therefore forced to resign as President in 1974. I was in Romania... Read →
Americans Chillingly Turn Blind Eye to Nazi-Like Actions in U.S. Image US Holocaust Memorial

Americans Chillingly Turn Blind Eye to Nazi-Like Actions in U.S.

The New York Times’ above the fold, front page story, entitled Handcuffs at Dawn, was both chilling and deeply depressing. Anyone of conscience reading about how U.S. immigration police raid people’s homes early in the morning... Read →

A Genius Hunter’s Take on Elon Musk

For over 15 years, I headed the Genius Awards, searching throughout America for men and women of extraordinary talent, vision and promise. I oversaw the awarding of these no-string monetary awards to about 400 men and women of amazing... Read →

Never Liked Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions, the new Attorney General, is one of the least attractive picks for key positions made by Trump. I knew little about him before he was selected, but it was clear from the start that he lacked seriousness, weightiness, and the... Read →
Not A Factor Until It is A Factor Image Vanity Fair

Not A Factor Until It is A Factor

This week’s news that Donald Trump Jr., the protégé, was clearly conspiring with the Russians along with Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner has been treated, just like every other bit of information pertaining to Russian... Read →

Mr. Trump and the Frenetic Media

President Trump has been at war with the mainstream American media from the very beginning of his campaign. His vitriol increased incrementally throughout the campaign and reached its zenith immediately upon his election. Early as... Read →

Life In Seven States Without State Income Tax -- Nirvana or Hell?

For those well enough off, the prospect of living life in a state that assesses no state tax seems very attractive. Florida comes to mind, as does Texas, Alaska and a few others. There are actually seven such states without any state... Read →
Where are the Calls for Hillary? Image The New York Times

Where are the Calls for Hillary?

Our world changed completely in November. And it continues to do so. But, amidst all the craziness, nowhere do we hear a call for Hillary. Imagine if Hillary had won last November. Her top agenda items were all not that bad, but oh... Read →
June 29, 2017 – The Tweet that Alarmed Financial Markets Image LA Times

June 29, 2017 – The Tweet that Alarmed Financial Markets

Today, June 29, 2017, will be remembered for some time to come. It was the day when investors finally could not hide from the truth. The day when they realized that the market surge upward since the Trump election was a relief rally only... Read →
Major Pharmaceutical Stocks Are so Utterly Destroyed that they Could be Starting A Big Rally Here Image The Wharton School

Major Pharmaceutical Stocks Are so Utterly Destroyed that they Could be Starting A Big Rally Here

The pharmaceutical industry has had a tough couple of years, or basically a tough decade. The industry has proven to be amazingly innovative; for example, just in the last years Gilead has turned Hepatitis C from a devastating disease to... Read →