
Selected category: Savings

The tremors of the housing market and credit credit crisis hit another type of investment this week, the auction rate security market. The Wall Street Journal and several other business magazines have reported auction rate security failures... Read →

One United, the bank with the highest rate on the BestCashCow savings rate table is now also offering customers $50 cash when they open an account and do on the following: - set up a new recurring direct deposit, or - make recurring purchases with your Visa Debit card The offer is good until June 30, 2008. We don't know how long One United will maintain its high rate.

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The Fed today cut rates by 0.75% - or 75 basis points - in a bid to shore up the economy. No doubt, Bernanke is hoping the cut will drop rates on mortgages, eliminating some of the reset pain, as well as reinvigorate a dying consumer. The... Read →
We all hope that the "respected" business news sources get information correct and write factually correct articles. This does not seem to be the case with the recent money market problems. The Financial Times ran a story... Read →
We often hear from our banks that money market funds are safe and that they rarely, if ever, go down. Well, these funds have been having problems and yesterday a major bank, SunTrust Financial announced it was injecting $1.4 billion into... Read →

The average rate on the top 10 savings accounts dropped for the third straight time as banks continue to bring rates down.

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The index dropped 10 basis points over the last week according to the BestCashCow savings rate index. Banks are lowering their high yield savings account rates.

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Citibank just raised the rate on their Citibank Ultimate Money Market Account to 5% APY. Business customers can also get the high rate.

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We're pleased to announce the BestCashCow Savings Rate Index. The index, which is a composite of the top 10 rates on the BestCashCow Savings Rate Table, helps you track the direction of bank savings rates and compare them to previous... Read →

Based on the decision minutes ago by the Fed to lower the discount rate by half a percent instead of the expected quarter of a percent, rates on short term CDs and savings accounts will most likely drop. The drop may start as early as tomorrow.

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A review of changes in high yield CD rates and Savings rates listed on the rate table.

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I just received a flyer in the mail advertising ING's Electric Orange account. In speaking with many people, I often hear that the inconvenience of waiting to access the money is one concern since it usually takes 2-3 days to remove funds from an online bank. ING now provides its customers with the ability to withdraw the money via the ATM ($1,000 daily limit) or via a debit card (as much money as in the account).

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Someone, please answer this question! Why do the masses still stash their money in low rate savings accounts from the big banks like BofA, Citibank, and Chase? There is a big difference between their rates and the market leaders.

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