
Selected category: Mortgages

There is a great deal of misinformation out there about getting prequalified for a mortgage. Here is the real truth about some of those common myths.

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When you are applying for a loan, a mortgage lender can ask you about almost anything related to your finances. But there are a few questions they may try to ask that you simply don't need to answer.

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Large, nationally known banks may first come to mind when you’re applying for a mortgage, but you should not over look the advantages that smaller, community, banks may offer you.

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Do you actually benefit financially from renting or buying a home? A new study may shed some light on that topic.

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You have made the big decision - its time to buy! However, unless you’re going to be paying cash for that house, condo or co-op, you'll need to take out a mortgage to cover the difference between your down payment and the cost of the property. But before you go house hunting, you should take some steps that can help make the process, including obtaining a mortgage at the best possible interest rate, go as smoothly as possible.

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Paying off your mortgage as early as possible may offer peace of mind, but is it always the best financial move?

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Have you ever heard about designing your own mortgage terms? Some lenders are moving toward this idea to accommodate this growing trend among home buyers and refinancers.

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Should eminent domain be used to help cure the mortgage crisis in California?

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The new regulations for mortgage shopping have recently changed due to the Dodd-Frank reforms. Are they good for buyers and the mortgage industry?

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Finding the ideal home for your family is the beginning of achieving a dream. But how do you place a bid on the home that is a fair amount?

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There are many ways to get a mortgage, but have you ever considered getting one from Costco? The wholesaler's new program is gaining in popularity and it could be the future of finding a mortgage loan.

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Have you been hesitant to purchase a home because of all of the unethical practices you have heard about lenders doing? There is a new proposal to curb these practices so you can have more confidence in buying a home and financing the mortgage.

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There is a lot of misinformation out there about buying a home and the various steps throughout the process. Here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions and the truth behind them.

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If you have been learning about mortgages and various aspects of having a mortgage, you may have run into some myths and misconceptions. But do not be fooled by misinformation. Here are some common myths and the truth behind them.

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Mortgage rates have been below 4 percent for the last several months, but they recently went up. What does this mean for the mortgage industry?

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Featured - 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates 2025

Lender APR Rate (%) Points Fees Monthly
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Pure Rate Mortgage
NMLS ID: 2578474
6.354% 6.250% 0.75 $3,530 $1,971 Learn More
Third Federal Savings & Loan
NMLS ID: 449401
6.500% 6.500% 0.00 $0 $2,023 Learn More
Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, Inc.
NMLS ID: 1025894
6.579% 6.490% 0.75 $2,985 $2,021 Learn More
PenFed Credit Union
NMLS ID: 401822
6.644% 6.500% 0.88 $4,795 $2,023 Learn More