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View from Oxford Street, London: Not as Distraught, Disturbed Image Statue of Dwight Eisenhower in front of American Embassy, London

View from Oxford Street, London: Not as Distraught, Disturbed

The Brits are showing their stiff upper lip, at least as it relates to events in the US.

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Not A Single American Hero

Throughout the long, ugly election campaign, no one stood up, save Mitt Romney who after the election seriously undercut the singular role he had fashioned. One can make the case that no one expected Trump to win, including most... Read →

The World is Watching

Acts of violence against Jews and Jewish institutions in America, including threats of violence, have increased dramatically since Trump’s win. Since January 2017, there have been over 125 anti-Semitic acts and threats against Jewish... Read →

It is Going to End Badly

Alan Greenspan called it Irrational Exuberance. Others have called it heady or intentional blindness. But however you look at the stock market’s performance since Donald Trump was elected, it is clear that reason is not operating... Read →

Why Interest Rates May Not Rise Quickly, or Much at All

In response to this article cautioning against buying long-term municipal bonds, I wanted to outline some reasons that interest rates may rise slowly, or not much at all. Here are some items that also need to be considered when factoring in... Read →

Six Ways to Reduce The Costs of Higher Education

As a mature and prosperous nation (Trump being a hiccup along the way), higher education has moved from a luxury and the domain of the well-to-do to a career requirement for a larger and larger number of people and jobs. Colleges and... Read →

The US Stock Market Fell 39% During Watergate

During Watergate and the lengthy process of getting Richard Nixon to resign, political instability weighed all sorts of havoc on the US economy with the S&P 500 falling from a high of 142, when Nixon assumed his second term in January... Read →

Universities are Ripping Off Americans

During the last election, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton led the charge, calling for free universal higher education for everyone. They called it a human right and decried the fact that upon graduation millions of... Read →

Human Nature to Hunker Down

Germany, at the time, seemed as civilized and cultured as any Western European nation in the 1930s. Few German citizens took the Nazi movement seriously until it was too late. And, just as important, Germans under Nazi rule were mostly... Read →

The Shining City on A Hill

On January 11, 1989, Ronald Reagan spoke eloquently about America as the Shining City on a Hill. Reflecting on his eight years, he spoke proudly about how it was the home of the free, tall and proud, built on rocks stronger than oceans and... Read →

The Focus is Gone – Treating a Heart Attack Victim for an Ingrown Toenail

Over the last weeks, since Trump was inaugurated, we have seen large protests in Washington of women objecting to infringement of Roe v. Wade, and we have seen a right wing, lightweight instigator (whose name will not be printed here)... Read →

Jumping Into A One-Year CD Is Not Particularly Compelling Here

The best savings rates in online accounts is now in the 1 to 1.05% APY range. You may find a higher rate here on BestCashCow. You may also find a higher rate in brick-and-mortar banks or in credit unions. To boot, some brick-and-mortar... Read →
Not Even Smoke and Mirrors Image Courtesy: Pexels

Not Even Smoke and Mirrors

BestCashCow first projected that Trump’s extreme and malignant narcissism would cause him to fail properly to divorce from his assets in a way that would call into question his independence, his freedom from the emoluments clause, and... Read →

America's Psychiatrists and Psychologists Let Us All Down - BIGLY

Even modestly intelligent persons have recognized, ever since he entered the political arena, that Donald Trump has long been seriously disabled by his narcissism. His irrational, unstable and dangerous behavior was manifestly obvious and... Read →
No Worries – Stephen Bannon is on the job Image Courtesy: Lidtime

No Worries – Stephen Bannon is on the job

It is freightening, on its own, to have an unstable, malignant narcissist as President of the United States. But far more concerning is that he is really not calling the shots. Occasionally, Trump will talk from the heart about Arnold... Read →