Selected category: Bonds
Digging just a little bit deeper on the subject of bonds.
Read →By looking at the CPI-U from March to September 2009, we can now determine that Series I bonds will have a variable component from November 1, 2009 through April 30, 2010 of 3.07%.
Read →The Municipal Bond market is heating up with $11.3 billion in new issuance planned for the week. This comes on the heals of a correction in the municipal bond market that saw rates rise from near record lows and inversely, bond prices fall.
Read →Here we will go into much greater detail about a wildly popular alternative to mutual funds in the late 1990's. We will look at how they work and examine the pitfalls so you are able to make an informed decision when you are considering adding this product to your portfolio.
Read →Yields on long-term municipal bonds are significantly higher than short term munis and are at a historical high over Treasuries. Is now the time to go long?
Read →Over the last couple of weeks, US Treasury rates have fallen dramatically, blowing apart my investment thesis about the wisdom of shorting Treasuries.
Read →Municipal Bonds have always been portrayed as an investment vehicle for older investors - turns out that's true.
Read →This is a brief look at the California Muni Bond market. The bulk of this article will be focused on the subject that is near and dear to every bond investor, whether you are located in California, New York or anywhere in between. I will not go into any great detail here as this is just a brief overview foccussing primarily on California. Happy Reading, Keith A. Campbell
Read →Analyst Martin Weiss, who sounded an early warning bell on Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros, says that it is invevitable that California will default on its municipal bond obligations.
Read →Build America Bonds, the taxable muni bonds subsidized by the Treasury have helped to stabilize the municipal bond market. They may also be bringing more transparency to the municipal bond market.
Read →Interest in pre-refunded municipal bonds is at the highest level since the early 1990s. For investors, pre-refunded munis offer the opportunity to earn a high return backed by Treasury Bonds.
Read →President Obamas's budget proposes raising the marginal tax rates on the wealthy from 36% to 39.6%. It also proposes increasing by 5% the dividend tax rate.
Read →California today issued $6.9 billion in new, taxable Build America Bonds. The bond offering, the largest in California's history, was the third Build America bond offering and showed the market for these securities is off and running.
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