As the section on agency bonds on aptly points out, Federal agency notes can provide excellent returns in low rate and declining rate environments such as the current one. I am posting this article here detailing how I have been using these instruments to improve my yield on cash equivalents effectively. I hope that this article can help some folks but I hope not to help too many as exposing this could dry up the market that I have been a beneficiary of if too many act.
Through my broker, I have recently found long-term agency bonds (2018 to 2025) trading around 5%. Because of forced liquidations, I presume, these bonds are often trading around 99% of par. I snap the discounted ones right up, even though they are callable. If they are called, then I get a couple of weeks of 5% interest - state and local tax free - and I also make an additional 1% profit (on the move from 99% to being called at par).
There is a risk here and many feel that the risk is too great to tolerate. The risk is that interest rates spike higher and I am left holding bonds that are trading at a significant discount. If that happens, I could suffer significant losses (or hold a poor-yielding instrument to maturity). But, my view is that interest rates are low, 2.7% on the 10-year, and going lower. We are clearly not entering into a high rate environment, but we are facing disinflation.
These agency are now more clearly going to be backed by the government following the Fannie and Freddie bailouts. Therefore, I view this risk as no greater than the risk of buying equivalent duration US Treasuries.
I am finding the best deals on Federal Farm Credit Bank Notes these days, but I also invest in TVAs and Federal Home Loan Bank Notes as these three are all state and local tax free.
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